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Women do you have a criminal record for prostitution, sex trade or for defending yourself?

Updated: Feb 18, 2022

Do you, or a woman you know, have arrests or records for trespassing, shoplifting, prostitution, welfare fraud, other self defense that resulted in arrest or charges for threats or assault?

Asian Women for Equality may be able to help you complete the package required to get a record suspension. This can help with getting employment, housing, educational opportunities, and custody or access of your children.

What is a criminal record suspension?

A Record Suspension allows persons who were convicted of a criminal offence under the Criminal Code of Canada, to have their criminal record kept separate and apart from other criminal records. It also removes a person’s criminal record from the RCMP Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC).

Who can apply?

You can apply for a Record Suspension if you were convicted as an adult. To apply, you must have completed all sentences including:

  • all fines, surcharges, costs, restitution and compensation orders;

  • all sentences of imprisonment, conditional sentence order; including parole and statutory release;

  • any probation order(s)

  • Followed by a waiting period:

for summary offences - 5 years

for indictable offences - 10 year

Learn more, join us at the next free workshop.

Workshop participants do not have to have a criminal record to participate. We invite women who:

  • Want to learn about the impact of a criminal record on women's lives.

  • Know someone who might have a record.

  • Have any interaction with police or have court records. But were never charged or were found not guilty and would need help in requesting the destruction of their file.

  • Have been arrested for defending themselves from an abusive husband or partner.

  • Have arrests or police records for trespassing, shoplifting, prostitution, welfare fraud, or other self defense convictions such as uttering threats or assault.

Connect directly with the Criminal Records Suspension Project Coordinators to:

  • Find out how to make the best possible application for a record suspension.

  • Book a short meeting with our project coordinators.

  • RSVP for our next workshop.

  • Organize a presentation to your workplace, volunteer /service group.

In 2014, Asian Women for Equality helped Canada change the law to decriminalize women prostituted in the sex trade. However, the government ignored the advice of feminists to remove the criminal records for women who were charged and convicted before the law came into effect. This left women to suffer the impact of having a criminal record for being prostituted and other poverty crimes.

Contact info:

Leave a confidential message at 604-243-8377

Please note: Any threats or acts of violence directed to our staff or volunteers will not be tolerated.

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