Women of Colour Against the Sex Trade
3월 03일 (일)
|Conway Hall
SPACE International proudly presents 'Women of Colour Against the Sex Trade', the very first event of its kind in Britain.

시간 및 장소
2019년 3월 03일 오후 6:00
Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL, UK
이벤트 소개
Ticket Purchase link : https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/women-of-colour-against-the-sex-trade-tickets-52211115853
SPACE International proudly presents 'Women of Colour Against the Sex Trade', the very first event of its kind in Britain. The event will bring together women of colour from across the globe to discuss their experiences in prostitution and/or of frontline service provision to women in prostitution, and their collective opposition to the global sex trade.
Speakers include: Ne'cole Daniels (USA); Rose Cameron (Britain); Mickey Meji (South Africa); Suzanne Jay (Canada); Roella Lieveld (Netherlands); Ally Diamond (Australia/New Zealand); Vednita Carter (USA) and Bridget Perrier (Canada).