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Learn more about GLI

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Sexism, racism, poverty, criminalization

A discussion on why we need a guaranteed livable income (GLI).

We brought together leading feminist thinkers to talk about their work with women, women in poverty, Indigenous women, women of colour, and women in the criminal justice system.

Guaranteed Livable Income and Sustainable Futures

Could a guaranteed livable income create healthy societies and save the planet?

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GLI as the way forward to Abolishing Prostitution

Presentation at BIEN Congress.

The End of Poverty - 
Gagner un Revenu de Base au Canada

A public conversation on the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty with Senator Kim Pate and Dr. Evelyn Forget.


Is Basic Income the next big population health intervention?

An article written by Sarah Mah, a collective member from Asian Women for Equality, highlights how basic income show positive impacts on mental and physical health, as well as healthcare utilization. 

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